A Breakage During a Miscarriage

Hip hop royal couple and music mogul Jay-Z and his equally talented wife, Beyoncé, welcomed their first child, Blue Ivy last January 2012.Moroccan and Monroe Cannon, the twins of superstar Mariah Carey and comedian Nick Cannon were said to be miracle babies. Courtney Cox and her ex-husband David Arquette are equally happy with the birth of their daughter Coco. Assassinated US president John F. Kennedy and Jackie are proud parents of Caroline and John Jr.Apart from the A-list status and place in history, they all have one more thing in common, the women all suffered miscarriages before their first born. Other famous celebrities who have suffered miscarriages include Brooke Shields, Celine Dion, Kirstie Alley,GiulianaRancic, Gwyneth Paltrow and rocker husband Chris Martin, Nicole Kidman while she was still married to Tom Cruise and the list goes on.

Pregnancy is always a gift. The soon to be bundles of joy always present ananxious but amusing change to the parents-to-be. Generally, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. By this time, the fetus has fully developed the critical organs it needs to survive outside the womb.However, when a pregnancy loss occurs before the 20th week of gestation, it is called a miscarriage. There is a spontaneous end of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or fetus is incapable of surviving on its own. According to March of Dimes (2008), approximately 10 to 15% of all recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage, with about 40% of these miscarriages occurring even before the woman realizes she is with child. Most of these miscarriages occur during the first trimester of pregnancy.

There are multiple reasons for miscarriages, such as chromosomal abnormality in the fetus (incorrect number of chromosomes), which is the most common reason, blighted ovum (pregnancy sac with no fetus), maternal health conditions (infections, incompetent cervix, hormonal problems, other diseases), and lifestyle factors (severe malnutrition, alcoholic, smoker, drug user, etc.). Moreover, the risk for chromosomal abnormality in the fetus increases as the age increases. However, in most cases, the cause of miscarriage is unknown. There are several symptoms of miscarriage such as light progressing to heavy vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, fever, weakness, menstrual-like cramps and back pain.

Although there is not much one can do if a woman is suspected of a Training Class in OTtawamiscarriage, the proper treatment for women would to assist the patient to rest in a position most comfortable to her and immediately call for emergency medical services. Observe the patient closely for any change in condition. If the patient’s lips are dry, moisten them but do not give food or fluids. If anything comes out of the vagina, keep it out of sight from the woman and give to the medics to study. Comfort the person until paramedics arrive.

Even though it is often hard to suffer a miscarriage, there are many emotional support groups available to give comfort to the grieving mother and husband. First aid courses offer lessons on how toact when the first symptoms of any type of bleeding presents itself.

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