First Aid Treatment for Dry Skin

Generally, dry skin is not a serious problem, people may want to treat it due to cosmetic reasons or because it can be uncomfortable as well. Dry skin occurs when plump cells shrivel up, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles.

Dry skin conditions can be serious as well such as a group of conditions called ichthyosis, causing psychological distress in many people. Dry skin conditions are normally caused due to environmental conditions and can therefore be completely or at least partially controlled. Environmental factors include low humidity in hot or cold weathers. Excessive bathing can also result in skin drying.

A dermatologist’s evaluation may be required for severe or chronic dry skin. However, you can start by improving the condition of your skin with moisturizers and by avoiding frequent bathing and harsh soaps.

Here is a short video from YouTube where you can watch Skin Care Treatment For Dry Skin (Natural Skin Care Treatment)

Signs and Symptoms of Dry Skin

Dry skin is usually a temporary skin problem, which people experience during the winter or due to other drying conditions. Signs and symptoms often depends on a person’s age, location, state of health and the amount of time he or she spends outdoors.

People with dry skin normally experience the following symptoms:

  • The skin feels tight after bathing
  • Skin may appear dehydrated or shrunken
  • Skin feels and appears to be rough
  • Fine lines, wrinkles or cracks on the skin
  • Itching and scaling
  • Redness
  • Deep fissures – may bleed at times

When to seek medical attention

In most cases, dry skin can be controlled with home remedies and lifestyle changes. See your doctor if:

  • You skin does not improve to home treatment or lifestyle changes
  • Dry skin occurs with redness
  • Itching interferes with sleep
  • If you have large skin regions of scaling skin
  • If you have infections or open sores due to scratching


Home care treatments for dry skin include:

  • Moisturize your skin with thick creams and oils to prevent moisture from escaping the skin
  • Avoid hot water and long baths. Bathe in warm water for 15 minutes or less as hot water can remove the oils from the skin.
  • Avoid harsh soaps. If you have dry skin use gentle skin cleaners or cleansing creams to clean your skin. Shower gels with moisturizers and mild soaps with added fats and oils are also beneficial.  Avoid antibacterial soaps and detergents and deodorants as they tend to be very drying.
  • Apply moisturizer right after bathing. Pat your skin dry so that the moisture is still present.
  • Consider using a humidifier in your home
  • Wear natural fibers such as cotton or silk to prevent irritation and drying. However, wool may irritate the skin.

Apply a cool compress on the affected regions. You can use nonprescription hydrocortisone creams consisting of at least 1 percent hydrocortisone to reduce inflammation. See your doctor if home treatment or ointments are ineffective.

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