Can lifeguards show you the importance of using sunscreen?

Summer is here, and what better way to enjoy your summer activities than to head to the beach and have some fun? While at it, you may want to consider the importance of using sunscreen to protect your skin against continual exposure to sunlight. It is interesting to note that even with this knowledge, many individuals will go to great lengths to make sure that they get that seemingly irresistible skin tan. The length to which individuals have gone to ensure that they get flawless skin is crazy. Any lifeguard can tell you that seeing as their job description places them right at the centre of where all the action takes place.

In the past 4 decades or so, baby oil and a blanket with reflective characteristics was all that you required to go out to the beach and have some fun. In sharp contrast with today’s world where people are looking to understand the importance of using sunscreen, back then the craze to get it right made individuals seek to use motor oil. We may cringe at this thought today, but you may want to consider that in those days, skin cancer was still unheard of. Some veteran lifeguards will today admit to you some of the oils that they used back in the day, and this is inclusive of Coppertone oil.

Fast forward to today and many more lifeguards are admitting that there has been increased awareness about the importance of using sunscreen. This has seen many more people work to protect themselves from the sun. Unlike in the past, today individuals will still get tanned, but will do so in the presence of sun block. Add to this the use of wide brim hats, rash guards and umbrellas and you have the full picture of an informed beach goers. In addition, today, many more parents are making sure that the little ones are protected as well especially because they are at a stage where it is very easy for the body to get damaged by harmful UV rays.

Some have gone to the extent of carrying tents to the beach in a bid to protect themselves from the sun. While this is a step ahead as far as the importance of using sunscreen is concerned, it poses a challenge for the lifeguards as they are not in a position to spot the little ones in the event of an emergency. Whether or not to put up a tent is a personal choice, albeit an unwise one if you choose to do so.


It is evident that lifeguards in the younger generation are more conscious of their health, and will go the extra mile to use sunscreen. This is because they comprehend the importance of using sunscreen, and are therefore in a capacity to advise individuals about the same. This is also evident in the way they work at the beach, by enclosing themselves in work centres with tinted windows to reduce the glare of the sun.

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