Learn More about Lifeguard Training with Canadian Red Cross

St Mark James lifeguard training is one of the approved programs in the country. The training is developed on international and Canadian expertise and remains to be the most updated of its kind in the entire country. The program is developed according to the quality standards set by St Mark James. In addition to being in line with the international standards set on lifeguard training, it meets all the territorial and provincial rules and regulations. The entire program is developed based on the understanding and the respect the St Mark James has on the rights of the guards to select the program that meets their requirement. Therefore, the lifeguards are given high quality and individualized program that ensure that the needs of

each candidate are met effectively.

Content of the lifeguard training

The content of the training adheres to the injury prevention philosophy of St Mark James. The content meets all the requirements in the industry including the international lifeguard levels. The best thing is that the program is carried out by instructors who have undergone a comprehensive development program for instructors. The instructors are equipped on all issues both theoretical and practical pertaining to lifeguard training. All the trainers have certification from all the relevant bodies. The content ensures that they can face any kind of challenge that occurs in their line of duty. In overall, the standard of the training provided to the lifeguards is excellent.

Other programs offered

This program does not only aim to equip the lifeguards, but also targets other groups of people. As one of the ways of ensuring that the aquatic facilities and Canadian public get the required support, there is continuum training offered. This training has several programs including teaching infants, teens, kids and adults how to swim. Therefore, almost every one has an opportunity to offer lifeguard and first aid.

Description of the course

lifeguard training
Lifeguard patrolling pool area

St Mark James Training lifeguard training is a two step program developed to offer candidates the required knowledge and skills to become fully qualified lifeguards. The course focuses more on hands in practice and real life scenarios. This makes the training more practical than theoretical because the lifeguards learn through real experiences and how to act in different situations. High quality resources such as full colored manual are provided. There is also constant evaluation by the instructors and feedback provided in the entire course.  The evaluation and feedback given aims to help each of the lifeguards or any other candidate attain success and learn how to save people from drowning.

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