Important Topics to Study for Life Guard First Aid

Due to inaccurate portrayals and story lines in many TV shows and movies, many people think that being a lifeguard is easy and that it does not require too many skills. What they do not realize is that before you can start working as one, you need to undergo a rigorous and serious life guard first aid training which can take weeks if you are not prepared for the course. This is why it is important to start reading on certain topics before paying any amount of money to training centers to ensure that you acquire a certificate by the end of the course. Here are some topics that aspiring lifeguards should brush up on before any life guard first aid training.

Respiratory system

Knowledge of how the respiratory system works is very important in life guard first aid since drowning mainly affects this body system. Drowning is essentially caused by too much fluid in the lungs which will eventually lead to suffocation since the airway passages are blocked and there is no room for air exchange. Aside from pools, patients can also drown in other smaller bodies of water such as bath tubs and lakes. It can also be caused by drinking water inappropriately. By knowing how the respiratory system works, lifeguards can prevent further complications and foresee any other problems that can happen due to the patient’s condition.


Epinephrine Injector
Epinephrine Injector

One of the most common misconceptions about lifeguards is that their only roles are to rescue those who are drowning and administer CPR whenever necessary. However, the truth of the matter is that lifeguards are also tasked to provide assistance to patients or individuals who are medically impaired in any way during medication administration. This is why it is important for lifeguards to know how to administer oral and intramuscular medications. Learning about pharmacology will also enable them to learn about certain medications that can come in handy in times of respiratory crises.

Other medical interventions

Aside from CPR, lifeguards are expected to perform other necessary medical and non-pharmacological interventions when there are no other rescuers around. These interventions include oxygen administration which is necessary for patients who have just been revived through CPR and those who have experienced drowning. Knowing how to safely transport patients from the poolside to a healthcare facility is also important since lifeguards are in-charge of the patient’s life until further help arrives. Proper positioning that promotes better circulation and respiration should also be studied.

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