Candidates enrolled in Bronze Star will need to complete a number of different first aid components. Most of the first aid components build on each other and are fairly simple and straightforward knowledge and skill requirements. In this component, rescuers must demonstrate the ability to find and Assessing the Pulse and Respiration rate of a partner. Candidates must also demonstrate the ability to find and count their own pulse. The purpose of this activity is for candidates to be able to find and count pulse and respiration rates. Checking the vital signs of a victim is an essential component of first aid. Respiration checks are significantly easier than pulse checks. The material posted on this page is for information purposes only, if you want to learn basic CPR techniques take a CPR course through a credible provider.
To successfully complete the assessing pulse and respiration rates section of the course participants must:
- Take accurate measurements of a partner’s pulse and respiration rate.
- Take accurate measurements of an individual’s own pulse rate.
Additional Notes:
- Candidates can check measurements by taking participants’ or partners’ pulses at the same time to compare results.
- Candidates should attempt to assess pulse and respiration while at rest and after physical fitness. Candidates and instructors should discuss the difference between the two states and how it affects pulse and respiration.
To successfully complete the Bronze Star course participants must demonstrate to the instructor skills and knowledge in assessing pulse and respiration rates. This is an essential component of this course and of any first aid program.