Emergency Care Archives - Lifeguard First Aid https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/category/emergency-care/ 1-888-870-7002 Sun, 30 Oct 2016 10:42:01 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Stmj-logo-110x107.webp Emergency Care Archives - Lifeguard First Aid https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/category/emergency-care/ 32 32 What Is The History Of Lifeguard First Aid? https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/history-lifeguard-first-aid/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/history-lifeguard-first-aid/#respond Fri, 22 Aug 2014 21:02:43 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=555 This article presents a chronological history of lifeguard first aid. 1708 – The Chinkiang Association for the Saving of Life is the earliest known organization founded in China, and with the sole intention of saving lives (just as the name describes). 1744 – the Royal Humane Society was created to deal with ignorance in the […]

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Lifeguard at work keeping an eye Over swimmers both young and Old

This article presents a chronological history of lifeguard first aid.

1708 – The Chinkiang Association for the Saving of Life is the earliest known organization founded in China, and with the sole intention of saving lives (just as the name describes).

1744 – the Royal Humane Society was created to deal with ignorance in the masses as well as to eliminate doubts as to the proper methods of carrying out resuscitation. In those days, some of the methods used to resuscitate, and which were eventually disallowed included:

–          Rolling the individual who has drowned face upwards

–          Placing the drowned victim a top a horse that is then allowed to trot with the aim of getting rid of the excessive water.

–          Using salt with large crystals on the victim

1776 – The Amsterdam Rescue Society was formed in Netherlands in order to ease the resuscitation of victims following drowning accidents.

1807 – The Massachusetts Humane Society was formed with the aim of setting up the country’s first lifeboat station situated on Cape Cod. This is significant in the history of lifeguard first aid because in years to come, a number of organizations would be founded on this model.

1855 – A number of beach patrols were formed to cater for rescue efforts as well as to organize for patrolling.

1862 – The Army Ambulance Corps was formed

1865 – This year saw the very first civilian services offered by ambulances in the USA.

1870 – Ambulance services in New York were first dispatched by way of using telegraphs.

1877 – The first patent for a life jacket is awarded to one made of cork, marking a significant point in the history of lifeguard first aid

1891 – The Swimmers Life-Saving Society is formed by two individuals belonging to the amateur Swimming Association of Great Britain. In years to come, the Society would change its name to the Royal Life Saving Society.

1903 – The first procedure to aid with artificial respiration is invented by a doctor with roots from England, Dr. E Sharpey Schafer.

1910 – The Red Cross organization makes an introduction of First Aid training, marking an integral stage for the history of lifeguard first aid.

1912 – It is impossible to talk about the lifeguard first aid without making mention of the ‘World’s Greatest Lifeguard’. The first deaf lifeguard documented, Le Roy Columbo suffered from a bout of meningitis that made him lose his hearing as well as his lower limbs. This did not deter him from his passion and he went ahead to save 907 lives in a period spanning 40 years.

1924 – The American Heart Association (AHA) was founded this year by a group of 6 cardiologists

Between 1939 and 1945, the Red Cross began a national blood campaign that helped collect more than 13.3 million pints of blood to help the armed forces.

Fast forward to 2005 and mobile phones can be used to transmit a patient’s readings before they can get to the hospital to get medical attention.

This in a nutshell presents the history of lifeguard first aid, showing the strides that have been made in the same regard.

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Lifeguard First Aid: Treating Jellyfish Stings https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-first-aid-treating-jellyfish-stings/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-first-aid-treating-jellyfish-stings/#respond Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:13:59 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=550 As part of lifeguard first aid, one must be well aware of the procedures required to administer first aid in case a victim gets stung by jellyfish. Contrary to popular belief, human urine does not provide solution for treating jellyfish stings. The reason for this is that the components of urine will only irritate the […]

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Lifeguard Watching Over Swimmers

As part of lifeguard first aid, one must be well aware of the procedures required to administer first aid in case a victim gets stung by jellyfish. Contrary to popular belief, human urine does not provide solution for treating jellyfish stings. The reason for this is that the components of urine will only irritate the area of sting, making the injury worse. The same is applicable in cases where victims want to clean the sting with fresh water before treatment can be administered. Application of an icepack to the affected region is also not recommended because this is one of the most common reactions people take in a bid to reduce the swelling as well as alleviate the pain.

There are a number of factors that one must consider before using skills learnt in of lifeguard first aid to address the injuries obtained following a jellyfish sting. These factors include:

–          The site of injury where the victim was stung

–          The extent of the injury

–          The age of the victim

–          The location where the stinging occurred.

How do jellyfish stings work?

Even before delving into the techniques that of lifeguard first aid training will equip one with, it is important to have an in depth understanding of the biology behind stings obtained from jellyfish. Jellyfish sting their victims by using nematocysts which are created and allowed to separate from their tentacles. The nematocysts are small tubules which are covered in tiny spines. The spines attach themselves to the human skin, activating the nematocysts and releasing an array of chemicals into the body. It is also critical to take note that even after stinging, some nematocysts may not be activated immediately.

With this understanding, why does lifeguard first aid training prohibit the use of human urine as a form of treatment? Urine alters the ph at the site of injury, and this may trigger the inactive nematocysts to fire, leading to more pain. Granted, some species of jellyfish do not create life threatening conditions, but since it is impossible to know which species has affected an individual, it becomes important to treat jellyfish stings as an emergency.

Symptoms of jellyfish stings

–          Labored breathing

–          Intense chest pain

–          Irregular heart beat when one checks the victim’s pulse

–          Spasmic muscles

–          Loss o consciousness

–          Nausea and general body weakness

Lifeguard first aid: treatment of jellyfish stings

–          If you can still see the tentacles, you could try getting rid of them. This will prevent the nematocysts from firing. Use a pair of tweezers

–          Alternatively, deactivate the nematocysts, and during the procedure, it is important the victim remains still. Immobility means that the risk of the activation of nematocysts is highly reduced.

–          Pour vinegar on the sting in order to deactivate the unfired nematocysts. The use of vinegar in this form of lifeguard first aid is preferred because the acidity neutralizes some of the protein components in the stings.

–          Make sure to throw away the clothing that you use to remove the tentacles to prevent coming into contact with the same at a later stage.

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Can lifeguards show you the importance of using sunscreen? https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/can-lifeguards-show-importance-using-sunscreen/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/can-lifeguards-show-importance-using-sunscreen/#respond Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:15:29 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=529 Summer is here, and what better way to enjoy your summer activities than to head to the beach and have some fun? While at it, you may want to consider the importance of using sunscreen to protect your skin against continual exposure to sunlight. It is interesting to note that even with this knowledge, many […]

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Summer is here, and what better way to enjoy your summer activities than to head to the beach and have some fun? While at it, you may want to consider the importance of using sunscreen to protect your skin against continual exposure to sunlight. It is interesting to note that even with this knowledge, many individuals will go to great lengths to make sure that they get that seemingly irresistible skin tan. The length to which individuals have gone to ensure that they get flawless skin is crazy. Any lifeguard can tell you that seeing as their job description places them right at the centre of where all the action takes place.

In the past 4 decades or so, baby oil and a blanket with reflective characteristics was all that you required to go out to the beach and have some fun. In sharp contrast with today’s world where people are looking to understand the importance of using sunscreen, back then the craze to get it right made individuals seek to use motor oil. We may cringe at this thought today, but you may want to consider that in those days, skin cancer was still unheard of. Some veteran lifeguards will today admit to you some of the oils that they used back in the day, and this is inclusive of Coppertone oil.

Fast forward to today and many more lifeguards are admitting that there has been increased awareness about the importance of using sunscreen. This has seen many more people work to protect themselves from the sun. Unlike in the past, today individuals will still get tanned, but will do so in the presence of sun block. Add to this the use of wide brim hats, rash guards and umbrellas and you have the full picture of an informed beach goers. In addition, today, many more parents are making sure that the little ones are protected as well especially because they are at a stage where it is very easy for the body to get damaged by harmful UV rays.

Some have gone to the extent of carrying tents to the beach in a bid to protect themselves from the sun. While this is a step ahead as far as the importance of using sunscreen is concerned, it poses a challenge for the lifeguards as they are not in a position to spot the little ones in the event of an emergency. Whether or not to put up a tent is a personal choice, albeit an unwise one if you choose to do so.


It is evident that lifeguards in the younger generation are more conscious of their health, and will go the extra mile to use sunscreen. This is because they comprehend the importance of using sunscreen, and are therefore in a capacity to advise individuals about the same. This is also evident in the way they work at the beach, by enclosing themselves in work centres with tinted windows to reduce the glare of the sun.

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What Lifeguard First Aid Certification Involves https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-first-aid-certification-involves/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-first-aid-certification-involves/#respond Tue, 08 Apr 2014 05:25:55 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=452 Lifeguards play a very crucial role in saving people’s lives when they need emergency help in the water body. This calls for a need for them to go through training to get lifeguard first aid certification to be able to undertake the rescue and first aid effectively. In Canada, the training classes are provided at […]

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Lifeguard Watching over people

Lifeguards play a very crucial role in saving people’s lives when they need emergency help in the water body. This calls for a need for them to go through training to get lifeguard first aid certification to be able to undertake the rescue and first aid effectively. In Canada, the training classes are provided at national wide level with the primary goals of helping the lifeguards be able to respond to emergencies after recognizing them. Lifeguards also have a primary duty to prevent drowning or injuries that occur on the beach or pools. There are first aid training organizations, universities and swimming clubs that provide the training. They offer life saving services and other sponsored classes.

Requirements to get lifeguard first aid certification

In most cases, there is no specific schedule for the lifeguard training schedules meaning that the course can be accessed even during the weekends. The basic requirement for one to qualify for a lifeguard first aid certification is a minimum of fifteen years and a candidate must be capable of swimming up to three hundred yards continuously. The candidate must also have the ability to swim using an object weighing ten pounds and use a surface dive after retrieving the same.

Content covered

The certification is crucial as it enables one to be able to rescue a person from water and distinguish a person who is under distress. The trainees are also taught how to use a wide range of equipments such as backboards and the lifesaving rings. Water care and other care training are also included in the course. Lifeguard first aid certification in the modern days also include CPR and first aid training. There are two parts of test involved. There is the written exam and in the water exam which is more of a practical exam. To get the certificate, a candidate must attain 80 percent that shows that they have a high level of understanding about skills involved in emergency management in aquatic settings. On the other hand, the practical part of the exam involves testing the ability of a candidate to throw line accurately and being able to carry out several active and passive rescues. This is where compact jumps, shallow dives and other techniques used to rescue peoples are involved. There are also tests for first aid and CPR. The Lifeguard first aid certification provided lasts for up to three years while the CPR certification is valid for one year.

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Important Topics to Study for Life Guard First Aid https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/important-topics-study-life-guard-first-aid/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/important-topics-study-life-guard-first-aid/#respond Fri, 21 Feb 2014 02:06:50 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=436 Due to inaccurate portrayals and story lines in many TV shows and movies, many people think that being a lifeguard is easy and that it does not require too many skills. What they do not realize is that before you can start working as one, you need to undergo a rigorous and serious life guard […]

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Due to inaccurate portrayals and story lines in many TV shows and movies, many people think that being a lifeguard is easy and that it does not require too many skills. What they do not realize is that before you can start working as one, you need to undergo a rigorous and serious life guard first aid training which can take weeks if you are not prepared for the course. This is why it is important to start reading on certain topics before paying any amount of money to training centers to ensure that you acquire a certificate by the end of the course. Here are some topics that aspiring lifeguards should brush up on before any life guard first aid training.

Respiratory system

Knowledge of how the respiratory system works is very important in life guard first aid since drowning mainly affects this body system. Drowning is essentially caused by too much fluid in the lungs which will eventually lead to suffocation since the airway passages are blocked and there is no room for air exchange. Aside from pools, patients can also drown in other smaller bodies of water such as bath tubs and lakes. It can also be caused by drinking water inappropriately. By knowing how the respiratory system works, lifeguards can prevent further complications and foresee any other problems that can happen due to the patient’s condition.


Epinephrine Injector
Epinephrine Injector

One of the most common misconceptions about lifeguards is that their only roles are to rescue those who are drowning and administer CPR whenever necessary. However, the truth of the matter is that lifeguards are also tasked to provide assistance to patients or individuals who are medically impaired in any way during medication administration. This is why it is important for lifeguards to know how to administer oral and intramuscular medications. Learning about pharmacology will also enable them to learn about certain medications that can come in handy in times of respiratory crises.

Other medical interventions

Aside from CPR, lifeguards are expected to perform other necessary medical and non-pharmacological interventions when there are no other rescuers around. These interventions include oxygen administration which is necessary for patients who have just been revived through CPR and those who have experienced drowning. Knowing how to safely transport patients from the poolside to a healthcare facility is also important since lifeguards are in-charge of the patient’s life until further help arrives. Proper positioning that promotes better circulation and respiration should also be studied.

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Necessary Life Guard First Aid Skills: Victim Recognition https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/necessary-life-guard-first-aid-skills-victim-recognition/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/necessary-life-guard-first-aid-skills-victim-recognition/#respond Fri, 21 Feb 2014 01:59:36 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=433 One of the most important life guard first aid skills that poolside or beachside rescuers need to learn is how to assess certain gestures which can be an indication of drowning from afar. This is because lifeguards need to roam around the pool or beachside to ensure that the entire area is covered. Hence, they […]

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One of the most important life guard first aid skills that poolside or beachside rescuers need to learn is how to assess certain gestures which can be an indication of drowning from afar. This is because lifeguards need to roam around the pool or beachside to ensure that the entire area is covered. Hence, they need to learn how to learn how to recognize victims from a distance. Here are some of the gestures that lifeguards should watch out for when it comes to victim recognition.


lifeguard training
Lifeguard patrolling pool area

A swimmer who is in perfect condition or who is in no imminent threat displays rhythmic breathing. He or she can calmly go in and out of the water without exhibiting any signs of difficulty of breathing and is not trying to call for help in any way. A distressed swimmer on the other hand, still has the ability to breath but is finding it difficult to stay afloat. Hence, he or she can still verbally call out for help. An active drowning victim does not have the strength to call out for help which means that he or she will immediately proceed to using non-verbal cues such as moving his or her arms up and down.

Arms and Legs

Swimmers who are in good shape or do not need any help move their arms and legs rhythmically. A distressed swimmer on the other hand can be seen treading the water with no rhythm and might call for help. A victim who is currently drowning may proceed to moving his or her arms from side to side alternately and may have trouble staying afloat.

Body Position

A swimmer who is in no threat swims horizontally while a distressed swimmer can be seen swimming horizontally but with great difficulty. A distressed swimmer is also more likely to swim vertically or diagonally depending on his or her current ability to swim whereas a victim who is actively drowning is in a vertical swimming position.


Swimmers who are in perfect condition tend to have recognizable body movements in the sense that they are not exhibiting any vague movements. They are also moving towards a clear direction. Those who are experiencing distress on the other hand have show little to no progress when it comes to forward movement. A victim who is actively drowning is not moving forward in any way and only has around 60 seconds before completely submerging which is why the lifeguard should immediately use the necessary first aid skills upon assessment.

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Why Life Guard First Aid is Necessary for Everyone https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/life-guard-first-aid-necessary-everyone/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/life-guard-first-aid-necessary-everyone/#respond Fri, 21 Feb 2014 01:48:43 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=429 Aside from actual lifeguards, parents and other responsible individuals can also benefit from taking life guard first aid classes especially if they love outdoor activities or they own a pool. Through these classes, they will be able to avoid mishaps which can lead to injuries and fatalities that normally occur in pool parties or outdoor […]

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Aside from actual lifeguards, parents and other responsible individuals can also benefit from taking life guard first aid classes especially if they love outdoor activities or they own a pool. Through these classes, they will be able to avoid mishaps which can lead to injuries and fatalities that normally occur in pool parties or outdoor activities hence saving the lives of visitors and loved ones. Here are some of the mishaps that rescuers can avoid by taking life guard first aid classes.

Accidental Drowning

Accidental drowning is one of the most common complications of using swimming pools and being involved in recreational activities that involve water. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 3, 000 people die from accidental drowning every year and that one out five of these people are actually children. This number does not include drowning incidents that involve boats which means that this number reflects those who died in private pools and other recreational areas while engaging in swimming-related activities.

Physical Injuries

Head Injuries
Head Injuries

There are times wherein sustaining physical injuries are unavoidable regardless of the number of precautionary measures that pool owners implement since these injuries are partly caused by the swimmers themselves. Injuries from using diving boards or slipping on the poolside is very common especially if alcohol consumption is involved. This is why pool owners and ordinary individuals should invest in first aid training. Through this training, they will know how to manage these types of injuries as soon as it happens which prevents complications such as blood loss or infections.

Chemical consumption

Even though chemical consumption that is mainly caused by swimming pool cleaning aids is not a very common occurrence, this still happens in various private and public pools worldwide. Characterized by skin irritations, stinging sensation in the eyes and difficulty of breathing, this condition can worsen if left untreated for a very long time. It can also cause major discomfort to the afflicted individual. By learning first aid, rescuers will learn how to manage this condition which can involve rinsing the victim with clean, untreated water and administering oxygen.

Since these medical emergencies can happen even in public pools and natural bodies of water, it is a wise idea for parents and other individuals to take lifeguard first aid classes even if they do not own private pools so that they will be able to help with the treatment of those who are afflicted with these types if medical conditions.

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How Lifeguard First Aid Courses Help Lifeguards in their Duties https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-first-aid-courses/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-first-aid-courses/#respond Thu, 13 Feb 2014 13:06:20 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=445 The major aim of the lifeguard first aid course is to offer training to prospective lifeguards to ensure they are equipped with knowledge and skills as they play their roles as lifeguards. To get ready for the training, it is important to be efficient in emergency swimming, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and treatment. There is more focus […]

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lifeguard first aid course
Lifeguard watching by the poolside

The major aim of the lifeguard first aid course is to offer training to prospective lifeguards to ensure they are equipped with knowledge and skills as they play their roles as lifeguards. To get ready for the training, it is important to be efficient in emergency swimming, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and treatment. There is more focus on swimming because the skills are the most difficult and important techniques that lifeguards must apply in their line of duty. The skills involved include rescue methods, CPR skill sets, standard and advanced first aid response and others.

Skills Learned in Lifeguard First Aid Courses

Lifeguards go through a drowning cycle that consists of elements that put the lives of people at danger of drowning. Some of the elements they need to protect people against include:

Incapacity to Adapt

In most cases, a common person has little knowledge on ocean and beach experience. As a result, a beach visitor has high chances of getting involved in marine dangers, for instance, rip currents and drowning. When faced with such danger a person without skills is likely to panic and fail to manage such an occurrence.

Lack of Education

Swimmers without enough skills are the most rescued in marine setting. In order to remain secure, beach visitors should be able to recognize threats in and around the sea or any other water body. The lifeguard first aid courses ensure that the lifeguards are able to eliminate any danger that may occur as a result of such situations.

Lack of Safety Advice and Absence of Supervision

Lifeguards play a crucial role in ensuring that members of the public are safe at all times. They provide advice of how to prevent drowning, how to identify threats and how to carry out recue when needed. Thus, they are trained on how to help the members of the public who lack the skills on how to come out of dangerous situations while swimming or on the beach.

The normal working day of a lifeguard must ensure that he or she eliminates the above elements that can lead to drowning. The lifeguards act as the first responders in most of the emergencies that occur in aquatic settings. This calls for a need for the lifeguard to be well equipped with techniques on how to handle such emergencies. They need to understand how to use different equipments to ensure they give the right medical assistance. The intensive lifeguard first aid courses help them be ready to handle any challenge they meet in their day to day duties.

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Learn More about Lifeguard Training with Canadian Red Cross https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-training/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/lifeguard-training/#respond Thu, 13 Feb 2014 08:35:08 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=423 St Mark James lifeguard training is one of the approved programs in the country. The training is developed on international and Canadian expertise and remains to be the most updated of its kind in the entire country. The program is developed according to the quality standards set by St Mark James. In addition to being […]

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St Mark James lifeguard training is one of the approved programs in the country. The training is developed on international and Canadian expertise and remains to be the most updated of its kind in the entire country. The program is developed according to the quality standards set by St Mark James. In addition to being in line with the international standards set on lifeguard training, it meets all the territorial and provincial rules and regulations. The entire program is developed based on the understanding and the respect the St Mark James has on the rights of the guards to select the program that meets their requirement. Therefore, the lifeguards are given high quality and individualized program that ensure that the needs of

each candidate are met effectively.

Content of the lifeguard training

The content of the training adheres to the injury prevention philosophy of St Mark James. The content meets all the requirements in the industry including the international lifeguard levels. The best thing is that the program is carried out by instructors who have undergone a comprehensive development program for instructors. The instructors are equipped on all issues both theoretical and practical pertaining to lifeguard training. All the trainers have certification from all the relevant bodies. The content ensures that they can face any kind of challenge that occurs in their line of duty. In overall, the standard of the training provided to the lifeguards is excellent.

Other programs offered

This program does not only aim to equip the lifeguards, but also targets other groups of people. As one of the ways of ensuring that the aquatic facilities and Canadian public get the required support, there is continuum training offered. This training has several programs including teaching infants, teens, kids and adults how to swim. Therefore, almost every one has an opportunity to offer lifeguard and first aid.

Description of the course

lifeguard training
Lifeguard patrolling pool area

St Mark James Training lifeguard training is a two step program developed to offer candidates the required knowledge and skills to become fully qualified lifeguards. The course focuses more on hands in practice and real life scenarios. This makes the training more practical than theoretical because the lifeguards learn through real experiences and how to act in different situations. High quality resources such as full colored manual are provided. There is also constant evaluation by the instructors and feedback provided in the entire course.  The evaluation and feedback given aims to help each of the lifeguards or any other candidate attain success and learn how to save people from drowning.

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Near drowning https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/near-drowning/ https://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/near-drowning/#respond Tue, 04 Feb 2014 07:18:59 +0000 http://lifeguardfirstaid.ca/?p=389 Near drowning is a close to death experience due to suffocation under water. It is the last phase before actual drowning takes place which often leads to death. Victims of near drowning would require immediate medical attention in order to prevent complications. Majority of victims require supplementary medical care and most are young children but […]

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Near drowning is a close to death experience due to suffocation under water. It is the last phase before actual drowning takes place which often leads to death. Victims of near drowning would require immediate medical attention in order to prevent complications. Majority of victims require supplementary medical care and most are young children but it can happen to anyone.

Always remember that it is still possible to revive an individual who has been underwater for an extended period. A higher chance of resuscitation is possible if the victim is young or was submerged in very cold water.

Causes of near drowning

Almost all cases of near drowning are linked to events that occur close or in the water. The common causes of near drowning include:

  • Alarm while in the water
  • Inability to swim or not skilled to swim
  • Falling into thin ice
  • Children who are left unattended near water
  • Consumption of alcohol while on a boat or swimming
  • Attempt on suicide
  • Seizure or concussion while in the water

Symptoms of near drowning

When it comes to near drowning, there is a high likelihood that the victim is already unresponsive. Even though this can occur in cases of near drowning, there are certain symptoms that can manifest.

  • Chest pain
  • Enlargement of the abdomen
  • Cold or bluish-colored skin
  • Cough
  • Vomiting
  • Absence of breathing
  • Unconsciousness

Treatment for near drowning

It is a known fact that near drowning usually occurs if there is no lifeguard present in swimming pools or beaches. It is also possible to rescue the victim from the water, but only do so if it is safe. It is recommended to use throw ropes and life rings to help the victim. Nevertheless, if the victim is already unresponsive, he/she could not grab any objects. This is the time that you have to consider entering the water only if you have good swimming skills to complete the task.

near drowning
Near drowning can be due to unattended swimming pools and beaches.

It is also important to perform rescue breathing right away in case the breathing of the victim has stopped. CPR involves delivering oxygen to the victim via mouth-to-mouth. The chest compressions are also vital since they increase the flow of oxygen via the blood to prevent any complications.

Just bear in mind that you have to be very careful when handling the victim as well as performing CPR since there is a possibility of either a neck or spinal injury. Avoid moving or turning the neck of the victim. Immobilize and stabilize the neck by securing it on a firm board or simply position towels around the neck for support.

In case the individual has fallen into cold water, remove the wet clothing and wrap the victim with a warm blanket to prevent hypothermia from setting in. Immediately call 911 before performing rescue or CPR. Understandably, learning how to perform CPR can save a life. It is best to learn CPR from first aid courses or watch a training video.

The post Near drowning appeared first on Lifeguard First Aid.

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