Why Life Guard First Aid is Necessary for Everyone

Aside from actual lifeguards, parents and other responsible individuals can also benefit from taking life guard first aid classes especially if they love outdoor activities or they own a pool. Through these classes, they will be able to avoid mishaps which can lead to injuries and fatalities that normally occur in pool parties or outdoor activities hence saving the lives of visitors and loved ones. Here are some of the mishaps that rescuers can avoid by taking life guard first aid classes.

Accidental Drowning

Accidental drowning is one of the most common complications of using swimming pools and being involved in recreational activities that involve water. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 3, 000 people die from accidental drowning every year and that one out five of these people are actually children. This number does not include drowning incidents that involve boats which means that this number reflects those who died in private pools and other recreational areas while engaging in swimming-related activities.

Physical Injuries

Head Injuries
Head Injuries

There are times wherein sustaining physical injuries are unavoidable regardless of the number of precautionary measures that pool owners implement since these injuries are partly caused by the swimmers themselves. Injuries from using diving boards or slipping on the poolside is very common especially if alcohol consumption is involved. This is why pool owners and ordinary individuals should invest in first aid training. Through this training, they will know how to manage these types of injuries as soon as it happens which prevents complications such as blood loss or infections.

Chemical consumption

Even though chemical consumption that is mainly caused by swimming pool cleaning aids is not a very common occurrence, this still happens in various private and public pools worldwide. Characterized by skin irritations, stinging sensation in the eyes and difficulty of breathing, this condition can worsen if left untreated for a very long time. It can also cause major discomfort to the afflicted individual. By learning first aid, rescuers will learn how to manage this condition which can involve rinsing the victim with clean, untreated water and administering oxygen.

Since these medical emergencies can happen even in public pools and natural bodies of water, it is a wise idea for parents and other individuals to take lifeguard first aid classes even if they do not own private pools so that they will be able to help with the treatment of those who are afflicted with these types if medical conditions.

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