What Is The Job Description Of A Lifeguard?

A career as a lifeguard may look popular thanks to the numerous shows on television, but the job description of a lifeguard does not solely entail sprinting across pristine beaches to save people. There is so much more that goes to the work of a lifeguard as we will see below. What’s more, not just anyone can become a lifeguard; there are skills that you must possess to be an effective guard. Let us look at some of the pertinent details that go towards making an excellent lifeguard.

Duties in the job description of a lifeguard

–          Generally speaking, the job description of a lifeguard involves watching people at the swimming pool or by the sea to make sure that they are safe. Other areas where it is necessary to have a life guard include water amusement parks and private clubs. In case there is an accident, it is also your duty to make sure that you rescue them and give first aid before medical help arrives.

–          It is also the duty of the lifeguard to supervise swimmers, and especially those who are just beginning to learn how to swim.

–          The lifeguard should also be able to identify potential hazards in order to prevent accidents from occurring.

–          The lifeguard is in a position to provide advice as far as water related sports are concerned.

–          It is impossible to talk about the job description of a lifeguard without making mention of the importance of first aid knowledge. Of utmost importance is the lifeguard’s mastery of CPR techniques.

–          Due to the nature of the job, a lifeguard must also be able to keep chaotic situations under control to prevent any water accidents.

What criteria must be met for anyone looking to understand the job description of a lifeguard?

–          You must be at least 16 years and must have passed tests offered by the relevant body in your country. This will often incorporate the following:

  • Ability to dive into the deep end of the pool as well as deep waters as is the case in the sea.
  • Ability to swim 100 meters in less than 2 minutes.
  • Ability to surface dive to the bottom of the pool.
  • If you intend to work at the beach, you must be able to run a minimum of 400 meters because unlike the poolside, the beach can stretch for kilometers and it is important to be able to attend to individuals promptly.

What traits are required for the job description of a lifeguard?

–          One must be courageous in the face of adversity, and calm under pressure.

–          The incumbent must also be likeable as this makes it easy for people to approach them.

–          You must also be sociable to be able to interact with the public.

–          A sluggish individual does not make a great lifeguard as one must be able to spring into action when called upon to do so.

–          To be a great lifeguard, you must keep fit so that you are able to respond swiftly.

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